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Is an Israeli civil society organization made up of entrepreneurs, chief operating officers, high-tech executives and volunteers. The organization is launching a new website that I designed where people can learn more about the organization and donate.


Corridor Organization


UX Research
User Experience
User Interface

The Design.


The Challenge.

The challenge was getting more users to know better about the organization and what it does,

as well as encouraging them to donate.

The Motivation.

As soon as I started working for the association, I saw its influence on Ukrainian refugees. In the Picture, a little Ukrainian girl was rescued by the organization and brought here to undergo emergency surgery during the war.


Their Story

Those photos were taken by Ziv Koren photojournalist, an organization associate.

Old Website.

Market Research.

To get a better understanding of the way donation websites function, so I visited several donation websites and took inputs from them.

Flow Chart.

Since we want donations to be accessible throughout the website's experience, I have designed a custom flow chart that provides an easy, and accurate experience for the user.

The Process.

During this project, I worked closely with Oran the co-founder of corridor organization. 

Together, we developed the requirements and needs of the website, discussed what should be on the site and what should be changed.


Low-Fi Wireframe.

In the first wireframe, I created the entire package of elements that should appear on the main website. Subjects are divided into specific sections and then arranged separately.



  • Although it was a rapid project, I attempted to address most of the aspects, but I am well aware of the need for more adjustment, solutions, features, and of course thinking.

  • In the next step, we should include more visual content in the social media section, along with more detailed pages detailing the entire refugee stories.

  • There will be two more versions of the site that are accessible to non-English speakers.

  • My final thought is that I am so thankful to be part of the pepole that has the ability to save lives and make our world a bit better.


The Design.

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